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In this topic, we learnt about plane and void. A line extended in a direction other than its intrinsic direction becomes a plane. Conceptually, a plane has length and width, but no depth. There are different sorts of planes such as overhead, base and wall plane.

To understand about plane and void better, we selected 3 photos of interior that have plane and void in it. Then, we marked down 'overhead, base and wall plane' on the each photo.

Building A Little City

Moving on to the next task, we had to choose one city map that we thought interesting and, mark a few zones to build my model on it.

Then, I started sketching form the base shape and developed into 3D forms.

Final Outcome

Overall, I really liked building little city :) Through this, I got to understand about plane and void and also, I got to experiment how different shapes can be transformed in different 3D form.

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