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[Week 2] Exercise 1: "Minimalism"

Hi all :)

While we were doing assignment 1, we also had to take 5 photos in monochrome that show 'minimalism'. I was quite confused about what minimalism is so I searched a definition of it and It says : minimalism is a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterised by extreme spareness and simplicity.

So, basically, it's about simplicity. Once I understood what minimalism is, I tried to take pics around my area and also I tried to find some from my previous photos :D

Here are my minimalistic B&W photos and take a look my photos!

1. This one was taken on the way to campus at entrance of my hostel building. I like how those vertical lines on the tile and diagonal lines on the CAUTION sticker are different in the photo. I think It makes my photo more interesting. Also, I included my white shoes in the photo because I thought it matches with the "WATCH YOUR STEP" sign!

2. I used this photo for my assignment 1 already but since Mr.Martin said this can be minimalistic photo too, I'm using this one again haha. I like the contrast between a tiny boat and the huge sea. This contrast makes the photo look simple.

3. I found this when I walked around my house last time. I thought It's quite fun to take because I never seen flower stuck in drain(? I don't know how to call that) before. I like the composition of the photo.

4. This was taken during sem-break around my condominium. I like how extremely simple it is. I think It shows minimalism well. Also, I like the angle of road signal that I took. It was too high to me to take photo that's why it's not front shot but I think this angle makes the photo more interesting than front shot.

5. This photo was taken next to the carport in my house. The overlapped hosepipe looks interesting and I like the rough texture of the wall too. I used rule of third for better composition and to make more empty space for the hosepipe to be stand out as a main subject.

Overall, It was actually interesting trial to me as a photography beginner but I think it's that easy topic. It seems to be simple and easy but there's a lot more than that like creativity, textures, colours and shape etc. I hope I could manage to understand 'MINIMALISM' and hope I can be better photographer for next assignment and exercise :D


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